THREE YEAR OLD PROGRAM | Mitzvah mavens | Teacher-to-student ratio 1:9
The Mitzvah Maven class consists of 3 to 4-year-old children with a maximum of 18 children per day with two teachers. It is a year of learning about independence as well as learning to work and share with others. Children in the Mitzvah Maven class follow a structured but flexible schedule that includes free play at various centers, daily art activities, outdoor play, music and movement and science. We focus strongly on social skills, including how to ask for and give a turn with other children, how to express our feelings verbally and how to calm our bodies when we are upset. We teach breathing techniques and conflict resolution skills through the Conscious Discipline program. Throughout the year the students learn how to independently unpack their backpack and lunches, recognize and print their first names, hold scissors and writing utensils properly and work on other various fine motor and gross motor skills. We integrate math skills by counting calendar days, number of friends present and through other everyday activities. Some of the children’s favorite parts of the Mitzvah Maven class are having classroom jobs (door holder, lights, calendar, etc.) and their first opportunity to participate in show and tell each week. Our teachers are nurturing while encouraging kindness, creativity and imagination each day!